
This blog is a celebration of novel, novel characters!

I love reading novels, and as an artist I know a great exercise to stretch one's illustration skills is to portray characters from a description in a book. This blog is a challenge to myself to do just that so I'll be posting illustrations from whatever book I'm currently reading. Feel free to add comments and send me your fan art for these great titles too!

Monday, March 30, 2015

March Marching on by

I came to the realization today that March is moving on by without a single post to the blog.  Yikes!  There goes that New Year’s resolution!  My apologies, I haven’t had time yet to finish my latest character sketches and reviews.

2015 has been an interesting year so far for me.  As much as I love drawing characters from books, I’ve always wanted to create my own characters and stories in some capacity.  So, in February I attended a conference for children’s TV to pitch my animated TV series ideas!  I got to share my work with execs from Disney, PBS and several international companies.  It was quite an experience.  I pushed so hard to get ready for the conference, I’ve been exhausted catching up on all the other things I ignored while getting ready.  Hard to believe it’s taken me a whole month to feel like I’ve gained my footing again!  If you’re curious about my show ideas visit:  www. Subarashiistudio.com

I’m hoping to get back on track with posting again soon!
